Saturday, March 21, 2009

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Olrelogo handle

For your video productions the Oltrelogo qualified technical personnel and provides all the necessary equipment, such as professional camcorders hd Panasonic and Panasonic AGHVX200E DVX100BE, memory card P2 SET lights monitor, control, crane, dolly, and generally any type of technical equipment such as video rental or provision of video service operators with technical personnel and video in Milan and Lombardy. The Oltrelogo è specializzata nella gestione dei vostri service audio video a 360 gradi, fornisce strumentazione tecnica audio video

a Milano e in Lombardia realizza troupè eng audio video in qualunque situazione.

La Oltrelogo ha puntato molto sulla tecnologia HD della PANASONIC AG-HVX201AE P2 miniCam che combina un sistema di immagini 16:9 HD 3CCD nativo progressivo con un obiettivo grandangolare con zoom di qualità HD Leica Dicomar in una telecamera-registratore per qualunque tipo di service audio video a Milano e in Lombardia Questa nuova telecamera- registratore DVCPRO HD P2miniCam garantisce registrazioni HD da 1080i/720p dalla comprovata qualità professionale dell'immagine grazie alla compressione DVCPRO HD (video bit rate: 100 Mbps) ottima per società che effettuano noleggio di strumentazione tecnica audio video. Il codec DVCPRO HD utilizza una compressione intraframe ottimale per ogni singolo frame separatamente. Capace anche di registrare in standard definition nei formati DVCPRO50, DVCPRO e DV, l'AG- HVX201AE supporta la creazione di immagini da tutta la famiglia di apparecchiature DVCPRO fino ad arrivare all'ambiente IT, in mini dv è facile da usare come una Panasonic DVX100BE. Gli standard per i segnali 1080 e 576 supportano 50i e 25p e per lo standard 720 la P2minicam supporta 25 e 50 nel modo progressivo. La funzione di framerate variabile dell'AG-HVX201AE garantisce effetti sia di slow che fast motion. Le sue vere curve gamma cine-like video progressive da 25 p/50 p e la matrice colore cine-like catturano immagini e scene praticamente identiche alle riprese eseguite da una cinepresa. E’ agile e facile da usare così da potersi adattare a qualunque tipo di service audio video con o senza operatore video a Milano e in Lombardia. La Oltrelogo effettua il noleggio di strumentazione tecnica audio video per società di service audio video con o senza operatore video a Milano e in Lombardia. La Oltrelogo consiglia per la realizzazione di troupè eng video a Milano e in Lombardia l’utilizzo di PANASONIC DVX100BE, la prima telecamera con una spiccata "vocazione cinematografica". La novità principale di questo camcorder è la possiblità di ripresa a 25 fotogrammi interi al secondo.

Service Audio able to manage, both in production and post production, the latest technologies in the field of High Definition, to enhance your advertisement, your company or your video clips.

The shooting of the video may be carried out in Milan as in the whole of Lombardy. From concept to final product, the Olrelogo offers a complete service that turns the script into a full advertisement on an exciting music video or a professional commercial, or corporate videos.

Through the network of Olrelogo contacts with the broadcasters, both in Milan and Lombardy, we can take care of all steps necessary to give visibility to your commercials, music videos and corporate videos. .

The Olrelogo, adapting to the client's budget, provides the best in every situation value for money for the creation of commercials, corporate videos or music videos.
The cost for the construction of a music videos, for an advertisement or a corporate video

varies depending on the type of customer needs and location that can be in Milan or Lombardy.

The Olrelogo, adapting to the available budget, in every situation provides the best value for money.

Send us the idea of \u200b\u200ba music video, the commercial or corporate video you want to accomplish in Milan and we will respond as soon as possible with a quote tailored to your needs.

Oltrelogo in recent years has specialized in the production of video clips, music and video

live (audio recording video of the concert). The audio recording of the concert video is broadcast with three cameras for video and multi-track for audio. The engineers then carry out Oltrelogo audio editing video filming on location in the studies of Oltrelogo Tools and Final Cut Pro.

Using multiple cameras use Panasonic and Panasonic AG-AG HVX200E HVX201AE guarantee excellent results for quality and definition HD video clips to enhance your music, your advertisement or your corporate video .

To enhance the musical product of a band we can offer them a recording demos in our rehearsal rooms in Milan in Lombardy, with a good result as a result of our technical equipment and excellent acoustics of our rehearsal rooms, comparable to the recovery room of a recording studio.

also increasingly important for a band is the moment of the concert to promote and demonstrate the actual ability of the musicians, this is when the Oltrelogo considered eligible to invest in the audio recording of video a concert in Milan or Lombardy.

The audio recording is made in multitrack e poi missata in protools, la registrazione video a Milano viene effettuata con tre telecamere Panasonic professionali. Grazie al progetto Straneofficine, la Oltrelogo negli ultimi anni ha realizzato moltissime registrazioni audio video, a effettuato la ripresa di concerti in molti locali a Milano e in Lombardia.

La Oltrelogo dunque si sta specializzando in servizi per le band, la registrazione demo è il primo passo per una band che vuole portare avanti un proprio progetto, seguita poi da registrazione audio video di un concerto a Milano o in Lombardia.

Studio di registrazione Recording studio milan The Oltrelogo specializes in services for the band performs concert audio services through their experience in numerous concerts and audio services in Milan and Lombardy, we can provide a service to the full audio band. On request we can provide any type of PA system and back line (amplifiers for guitar and bass, drums, synth etc).

During the concert we can make multitrack audio recordings and video footage 24bit/48khz high-quality professional camcorders.

Our technicians

of sound are so specialized in demo recordings for bands playing in our rehearsal rooms for monthly rent.

We can service any type of audio multi-track audio recordings and concerts.

Oltrelogo addition, the company hires a service audio speaker systems, lights, mixer, multitrack recorder and audio equipment in general in Milan and Lombardy.

Ideal for bands that play live must hire a mixer, the lease of a multitrack recorder, speakers and lighting rental and general rental equipment for concerts taking place in Milan and Lomabrdia. More and more bands prefer to the usual demo recording audio video

of their concert. The audio is taken from a multi-track technical

of Oltrelogo sound while video is recorded by 3 cameras with each broadcast videographer.

oltrelogo is the leader in Milan and Lombardy in the charter powered speakers, audio system rental, lighting rental, demo recording, mixer hire, rent a multi-track recorder, audio equipment hire, rehearsal room to rent monthly audio service with or without the use of the experience of an engineer. Mixer Hire

Monday, March 16, 2009

Anybody Have Side Effects With Epidural

With the collaboration of the creative and technical specialists Oltrelogo

For your video productions the Oltrelogo provides qualified technical staff and all the necessary equipment, such as professional camcorders hd Panasonic and Panasonic AGHVX200E DVX100BE, memory card P2 SET lights, monitors, control, crane , dolly, and generally any type of technical equipment such as video rental or provision of video service operators with technical personnel and video in Milan and Lombardy.

The Oltrelogo specializes in the management of your audio video service to 360 degrees, provides technical equipment audio video in Milan ENG crews and Lombardy produces audio and video in all situations.

The Oltrelogo has focused heavily on the technology of the Panasonic HD P2 AG-HVX201AE MiniCam imaging system that combines a native progressive 3CCD 16:9 HD wide-angle zoom lens with a HD quality Leica Dicomar in a camera-recorder for any type of audio video service in Milan and Lombardy This new DVCPRO HD camera-recorder provides 1080i/720p HD recording P2minicam of proven professional image quality thanks to

compression DVCPRO HD ( Video bit rate: 100 Mbps) good for society carrying out technical equipment rental audio video. The DVCPRO HD codec uses optimal intraframe compression, each frame separately. Also able to record Standard Definition in the DVCPRO50, DVCPRO and DV, the AG-HVX201AE supports creating images for the entire family of DVCPRO equipment to the IT environment, mini dv is easy to use as a Panasonic DVX100BE. The standards for 1080 and 576 signals support 50i and 25p and the 720 standard P2minicam supports 25 and 50 in progressive mode. The variable frame rate function of the AG-HVX201AE guarantees to both slow and fast motion that. Its true cine-like gamma curves progressive video, 25 p/50 p and cine-like color matrix capture images and virtually identical to the scenes footage from a camera.

E 'agile and easy to use so that it can adapt to any type of service with video or audio without video operator in Milan and Lombardy.

Oltrelogo The need to hire technical equipment audio video audio video service for companies with or without video operator in Milan and Lombardy.

The Oltrelogo recommended for the production of video ENG crews in Milan and Lombardy in the use of PANASONIC DVX100BE, the first camera with a distinct vocation film. " The main new feature of this camcorder is the possibility of full recovery at 25 frames per second.

Hire Milan Cameras

Monday, March 9, 2009

Can You Transfer Gba Pokemon To Soul Silver

For your video productions the Oltrelogo

audio conference, audio conference london, conference audio multi-track audio recordings lombardiaEffettuiamo 24bit/48Kh with our mobile studio.

Our technicians of sound, will be in your rehearsal room to make the shooting sound. On request we can provide an acoustically treated recording room. The mix will be made dai nostri tecnici del suono su sistema Protools. La qualità del

Strumentazione utilizzata: Preamplificarori Mackie Microfoni Shure ed ElettroVoice Outboard ed effetti Lexicon

Audio Conferenza milano Audio Conference lombardia

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Stopping A Price Pfister Shower Valve Drip

The Olrelogo handle

Audio Conference, Audio Conference milano, audio conference audio multi-track recordings lombardiaEffettuiamo 24bit/48Kh with our mobile studio.

Our technicians

of sound, will be in your rehearsal room to make the shooting sound. On request we can provide an acoustically treated recording room.

The mix will be made by our technicians

the sound system on Protools. The quality of

final master thus obtained was comparable to that obtained in the recording studio, con il vantaggio di poter effettuare le incisioni comodamente nella propria sala prove. Su richiesta possiamo effettuare registrazioni anche nel nostro studio di registrazione a Milano. Offriamo il servizio di registrazione audio e studio di registrazione in tutta la Lombardia. Strumentazione utilizzata:

Preamplificarori Mackie

Microfoni Shure ed ElettroVoice Outboard ed effetti Lexicon

Audio Conferenza