Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Autumn Wedding Centrepiece

broadband, fast internet runs slow in Italia_Intervista Andreina Mandelli (USI / SDA Bocconi)

Eventually "Broadband will" . Or so it seems: according to what the Economic Development Minister Claudio Scajola, the government should stanziare infatti i fondi per internet veloce entro fine anno.
Era stato a inizio novembre, il sottosegretario alla presidenza del consiglio Gianni Letta a dare lo stop governativo ai fondi, provocando le critiche di Confindustria e della rete. Adesso, dopo le rassicurazioni di Scajola, il “piano Romani” (così si chiama perchè prende il nome del suo promotore, il viceministro allo Sviluppo con delega alle Comunicazioni) dovrebbe dunque essere finanziato: prevede di garantire - almeno teoricamente - internet veloce a quasi tutta la popolazione italiana, con l’obiettivo di portare la banda larga a 20 Mbs al 96% dei residenti entro il 2012 e raggiungere il restante 4% con una navigazione a 2 Mbps. [...]

“Le activities that can be carried out on the network with broadband access are obviously different - says Andreina Mandelli, SDA teacher and lecturer at the department of management of ' Bocconi University in Milan - First, we must consider the aspect education: just visit the channel "education" of Youtube to realize that by now there are entire university lectures, some of them with teachers of great renown, fully available online. But broadband access also means availability of organic products and more structured training, using video as an essential component of this distance learning. Who can not use is inevitably left out. "
"Looking at the phenomenon from the perspective of digital consumer - continues teaching - the activities that can be carried on the network are also very different. A user who does not have fast internet should give up such entertainment-based video games that focus on high in multimedia, video and information services to video-chat. "
instead deserves a chapter of the e-commerce, "with broadband access to radically change the acquired on-line: in tourism, just as an example, one thing is if I want to see a destination turistitica through a video, another is whether I just stick to the testimony of other travelers. All activities, these, which is valued in the so-called 'social richness': that is the social wealth of the video mode, which is much higher than all other forms of communication. "

Filippo Maria Battaglia - (Full Article)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Motel Lease Agreements Explained

Social Media: Managing the complexity by Niccolo 'Magnani ( MRM Worldwide) at University of Lugano, USI

Monday, November 23, 2009

Out Fits For Dance Teams

A Flash Mob Against Violence on Women

Si è bloccata per qualche minuto la vita caotica di piazza Duomo nel cuore di Milano: tutti immobili alle 13 e 30 per fermare la violenza contro le donne.
Milano, 23 novembre 2009 – Intervita Onlus , insieme ad altre 300 persone hanno dato vita oggi a un’iniziativa di Flash Mob in piazza Duomo a Milano. Minuti di silenzio e immobilità brandendo cartelli contro la violenza sulle donne per dare voce all’impegno di Intervita al loro fianco.

Credits Photo:A. Pagliarulo
Siamo Pari! è la campagna lanciata da Intervita nel 2009 per i diritti delle donne. Support in the difficult path of denouncing the violence but also educational and vocational training and microcredit to achieve autonomy are the tools of interviews for a future of equality.