Today nostro caro Amico Toma ci ha lasciati, dopo 6 felici anni di convivenza.
L'ultima volta che l'abbiamo visto si crogiolava al sole, da quel momento non lo abbiamo visto più fino ad oggi.
Non sappiamo la causa della sua morte, sappiamo solo che anche in un momento di difficoltà e sofferenza non ci ha lasciati soli, ma ci sei rimasto più vicino di quanto noi potevamo immaginare.
Sè addormentato in una cassetta di legno sotto il portico del nostro vicino, si molto più vicino di quanto noi potevamo immaginare...
Come dice quella credenza o dato di fatto, quando i gatti sentono arrivata l'ora si mettono appartati... e lui ha fatto la stessa cosa... ma non lontano da noi, le nostre voci, gli abbai dei suoi amici cani, the company held without our knowledge, until his last breath ...
I regret only one thing, not having listened to that little voice inside me telling me that he needed me, he needed us ... but maybe he did not want to be helped, and if off in the most dignified that there may be ...
Toma came into our lives back in August of 2005 ... born on a farm Czechoslovakian wolf dog, her mother had been thrown into the kennel where he hosted until she gave birth to her children, and among them was the Little Toma ... Toma
the name of a cheese from the Val Sesia, the place where he was born ... Toma
a cat that could be compared with the parsley, because if you were in a place he was there to keep you company or just browse ... or as my husband says to oversee the work ... Toma
a cat that would welcome guests ... after greeting the dogs, who came to visit had to overcome the greetings of the cat Toma .. Toma
a cat that you would lean on his belly when you sit and watch television ... Toma
a cat cha loved the cake ... cakes or mill white ... Toma
a cat that could not greet the morning .. because if you did not found a way to lie down in the bowl of milk ... Toma
a cat that if you threw a ball her back ... Toma
a cat with a big heart ... with all the puppies Luna, who taught they respect a cat ... A great help to me in the education of young thugs ... and in this sense a great collaborator ....
Toma, a father for all those kittens that have come after him ... Toma
a soft cushion of hair to embrace during the afternoon nap and nocturnal ... Toma
a great friend of the Dogs ... Toma
a Presence ... a major presence ..... one of us ... a Family ... Toma
a small cat that leaves a great void ..... Dear little
Toma, I spice of heart, not to have understood that you were sick, I'm sorry for not having been able to greet, in time, I'm sorry that you are now wrapped in a moist soil, but I hope that our love will warm up my heart ... where you are now .... If reincarnation exists the
not forget to visit us ... and if there is an afterlife ... Well then I hope one day to find yourself ...
You will live forever in our memories ... You are and always will be our Maschotte ...
With infinite love now and forever your Katie, Matt and your Branco
In this video, we see him when he was little, she throws the ball and he reported to you .. this is where our extraordinary friendship begins ....
This is one of the last rides together ... he loved join us .. and like him, the little wolf and the little Mario ... if he had taught them to do it ...
You have truly left a great void, but your memories will keep us company ... and the stories they tell you, are like fairy tales to the ears of the listener ....
Your Branco .....
Author Photo and Video: Katia Cabbage. Images and videos are copyrighted and prohibited any type of use.