Friday, February 20, 2009

Do You Like The Name Maxine?

Cameras For your video productions the Oltrelogo provides

service audio, video service, video equipment rental, audio equipment rental, demo recording, video production clips, video clips creation, video production business, oltrelogo electronic device for the acquisition of dynamic images (moving).

service allows you to capture video images in two-dimensional audio equipment rental sequence, a predetermined capture rate, typically in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

It uses a cathode ray tube or CCD systems.

The cameras can be in black e nero o a colori con standard di acquisizione e trattamento delle immagini allineate agli standard televisivi dei paesi in cui vengono usate. Esistono tantissimi tipi di telecamere per i più svariati usi: telecamere industriali per il controllo di produzione, videosorveglianza, webcam, riprese televisive di studio (broadcast), riprese televisive di attualità (camcoder), noleggio strumentazione video ripresa amatoriale, ripresa naturalistica, ecc. L'abbinamento di una telecamera service audio genera oltrelogo il camcorder che è diventato l'apparecchio di registrazione televisiva più diffuso degli ultimi anni. It is used both for professional and registration systems in all rental equipment

amateur video, depending on the model, using different types of storage media, such as a magnetic tape or solid state memory such as, for example, VHS C-, S-VHS-C, Video8, Hi8 (high bandwidth), MiniDV, DVCam, Betacam, DVD-RAM. Lately there are cameras on the market that record on DVD and video cameras that record in compressed format (usually DivX) hard disk with the possibility of linking them with a high-speed cable to a computer to make montages, special effects and so on.

The camera is an electronic device for the acquisition of dynamic images (moving). allows image capture service two-dimensional video sequence, a predetermined capture rate, typically in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

It uses a cathode ray tube or CCD systems. The cameras can

service audio be in black and white or color with standard acquisition and processing of images aligned to the television standards of the countries where they are used. There are many types of rental equipment oltrelogo audio

cameras for different uses: industrial cameras for production control, video surveillance, webcam, televising study (Broadcast), recording demos

televising current (camcorder), amateur film, nature photography, etc.. The combination of an audio service camera generates a video camcorder that has become the most popular television recording equipment in recent years. It is used both for professional video service is all amateur recording systems, depending on the model, using different types of storage media, video equipment rental

as a magnetic tape or solid state memory such as, for example, VHS-C, S-VHS-C, Video8, Hi8 (high bandwidth), MiniDV, DVCam, Betacam, DVD-RAM.

service audio, video service, video equipment rental, audio equipment rental, demo recording, video production clips, video clips creation, video production business,


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