Max Weber |
l'esame si terrà domani alle ore 16:30, ed avrà la durata di 60 minuti circa; le domande previste per l'esame sono 13/14 circa, miste tra: quesiti risposta multipla, completamento di frasi,interpretazione di grafici/illustrazioni e domande aperte.
Gli studenti con cognome A-F svolgeranno l'esame in aula 5 , mentre gli studenti con cognome G-Z svolgeranno l'esame in aula 12.
Vi ricordiamo che il voto derivante da questo esame "peserà" per 2/3 sul voto finale, che verrà ricavato grazia lla media ponderata tra il voto dell'esame del Prof. Bordogna and the vote of the examination of Prof. Blacks.
Unfortunately this time we had no "donations" of notes, so we can not share with you all the topics covered in class, we take the opportunity to ask you to participate in this project share a number of "knowledge", thus to help people like you, found himself in a position to look damn things without success, maybe something that the classmate had ....
tried to support as much as possible we leave you with the arguments you need to know at GOOD to pass the exam without any problems.
arguments that MUST know is:
- Classical School organization: Weber and Taylor in particular
- Post
- Weber (Weber's approach limits)
- relationship between individual and organization in light of the concept of public good
- organization economics approach (Williamson and Ouchi)
Good luck
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